How and where to cross the border Bolivia - Peru
Crossing the border between Bolivia and Peru is easy at Lake Titicaca. Don't even need backchich.
After more than 3 weeks traveling in Bolivia, we go to Peru. From Copacabana, take a bus with the Titicaca company towards Puno for 30 bolivianos. Barely a few kilometers after getting on the bus, we get off to go through immigration. On both sides, the manipulation is done quickly.
Quick transfer to Puno
Without specifying anything, we get our 90 days of stay in Peru. And, this time, no Bolivian agent had funmake us pay a little backchich. So much the better, we had no more bolis. We get back on the bus and, about two hours later, we arrive in Puno. An early arrival on the Peruvian side which leaves time to go quietly towardsLlachon. To better enjoy Lake Titicaca.