To simplify your life, here is our technical sheet! You can find a tailor-made itinerary, information on the cost of living and our housing, food and transportation to save money.
Our itinerary

Our organization

27 days (February-March)
37€ per day
Travel by bus
Camping and Airbnb

Days 1-5:San Pedro de Atacama(Valle de la Luna, Valle de la Muerte...)
Day 6 : direction Santiago for flight to thePatagonia
Days 7-10 : Puerto Natales andTorres del Paine
Days 11-16 : hook byUshuaia in Argentina
Days 17-19 : ascent to Pucón (passing throughPuerto Montt)
Days 20-22 : hikes in thenational park Huerquehue
Days 23-24 :Pucon(beach and small steps)
Days 25-27 :santiago
Our favorite
Chile in 90"

& various



Our finances
In total, we spent €987 during our stay in Chile. In detail, this gives: €102 for activities and miscellaneous, €210 for food, €271 for accommodation and €404 for transport.
To complete the adventure in Chile

The little tricks of DRDM
In the area of Santiago, plan one or two days of margin in your schedule to rest at the hipster pace of Valparaiso (2 hours by transport). We were too short to get there but all the travelers we met recommended it to us!
If you want to do the famous W trek to Torres del Paine park, book your campsites well before you leave. Because, on site, it will surely be too late to find space due to the large number of reservations!