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Our itinerary

Itinéraire Pérou 4 semaines

Our organization​

26 days (January-February)

22€ per day

Travel by bus

Hostels and camping

With the locals

(marketet almuerzos)

Day 1: arrival from Bolivia then direction Llachón

Days 2-3:Llachon, on the shores of Lake Titicaca

Days 4-5 : Cusco, visit to Sacsayhuaman

Days 6-7 : Aguas Calientes then visit theMachu Picchu

Days 8-12: Sacred Valley of the Incas(Pisac, Salineras and terraces of Moray et Ollantaytambo)

Day 13 : back toCusco

Day 14 : directionColmenaand Luisa's Inn

Days 15-18 : Choquequirao trek

Days 19-20 : visit ofWinicunca, the mountain colored

Day 21 :Arequipa

Days 22-24 : Cabanaconde, at the entrance of colca canyon

Days 25-26 :Arequipa, then departure for Chile

To simplify your life, here is our technical sheet! You can find a tailor-made itinerary, information on the cost of living and our housing, food and transportation to save money.

Our favorite

Peru in 90"








& various


Our finances

In total, we spent €600 during our stay in Peru. In detail, this gives: €120 for accommodation, €130 for transport, €170 for food et €200 for activities and miscellaneous.

Logo Douze regards du monde

The little trick of DRDM

To eat well ("and cheaply"), almuerzos are the ideal solution in Peru. Oscillating around 6 soles, these very complete meals that you will find everywhere offer a good soup of fideos then a hearty main course. The ideal solution to enjoy a good dish, be satiated and not spend too much!

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