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To simplify your life, here is our technical sheet! You can find a tailor-made itinerary, information on the cost of living and our housing, food and transportation to save money.

Our itinerary

Inde fin.png

Our organization​

27 days (Sep-Oct)

13€ per day

Travel by bus, train

guest house, hotel

In the street

Days 1-2 :New Delhi

Days 3-4 :Agraavec visit of the Taj Mahal and the fort

Days 5-8: Varanasi

Days 9-11 : Visit ofJaipur

Days 12-14 : route and visit ofbundi

Days 15-17 :Udaipur, on the way visit ofChittorgarh

Days 18-20:Jodhpur

Days 21-24:Jaisalmer

Days 25-26 :Bikaner

Day 27: return to New Delhi

India in 90"

Our favorite

Our finances




& various






In total, we spent €355 during our stay in India. In detail, this gives: €61 for transport, €70 for activities and miscellaneous, €100 for accommodation and €124 for food. 

Logo Douze regards du monde

The little tricks of DRDM

For night trains, if you know your travel dates, do not hesitate to book in advance at the station because sometimes the trains are full.

Many agencies will offer you tours but it will always be much cheaper for you to travel by yourself. Public transport  costs very little and you will meet great people!

To complete the adventure in India

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