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How and where to cross the border

Chile - Argentina

On the way to Ushuaia, we crossed the Chile-Argentina border at San Sebastian. A simple formality.

Panneau bienvenue Ushuaia

After Torres del Paine, the next stop will be in Ushuaia. So we embark with the Bus Sur company for a 10-11 hour journey from Punta Arenas to the famous “fin del mundo”. With this company, the transfer is necessarily done during the day and, to our knowledge, none makes the trip at night.

Keep an eye out for the outskirts of Ushuaia

After 4 hours on the road and a short passage by ferry, we arrive at the San Sebastian border post. The approach is done in express, the two stamps are quickly affixed and you can calmly get back on the bus. To extend the route and then take advantage of the last two hours of magnificent travel on the outskirts of Ushuaia. On the way back, same company and same speed when crossing the border.

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